Wednesday, February 6, 2019


AARDVARK = Aspiring for Applicable Reflection and Debate through Variable Analysis and Rigid Konjecture

Your task here is to post careful analysis of our selections, considering the work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as other elements such as figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. To be concise:  Words, Moves, Textuality, and Truth.

Your posts will present coherent analytical arguments, and demonstrate the ability to respond to classmates, agreeing or arguing with assertions by using textual evidence to defend their position.  Posts should be at least 200 words in length.

This is an open forum, and all are expected to participate.  Be respectful in how you disagree with each other, and when those opportunities arise, make sure that you explain WHY you believe differently than someone else. 

Don't be alarmed if I chime in, either.  Just because I'm asking questions of what you've said, don't assume that means you're wrong.  I am not trying to find cracks in your ideas, but to temper them.  As I always tell my classes, if you can defend your assertions with evidence, then you are not wrong.  In this class, X will never equal 4.  X will equal the ineluctable modality of the visible.

Be not afraid.

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